Cucine in muratura

Le nostre cucine in muratura raccontano il mondo country, ma conquistano anche lo stile moderno.

When planning your kitchen, you can choose from our mural painted kitchens with many different finishes and colours, or from our compositions with blockboard wooden walls clad with natural stone or tiles. In all cases, your  modular kitchen  will always be 100% original, unique and one of a kind. And it’s really easy to install.
The painted mural walls or surfaces clad with natural stone can be combined with models from our classic and modern kitchen collections, and you’ll soon see just how much they enhance the style, lending a warmth to a rustic dining room or a classic touch to your modern kitchen by using natural tiles with earthy tones.
Choose from the latest-generation accessories, and you’ll see just how ergonomic, functional and high-tech a  modern masonry  or  country kitchen can be.



Progettare una cucina in muratura significa unire legno, colore, marmo, pietra, muro e ceramica… Tecnica e artigianalità, moduli e fantasia, materiali e poesia coesistono in un tutt’uno armonico, oggi come secoli fa.



Inn un reparto tutto dedicato alle cucine in muratura, esperti artigiani applicano a mano sui muretti in legno listellare la pittura murale, i sassi naturali, le piastrelle, i decori. L’abilità e la passione trasformano i progetti delle cucine in muratura in realizzazioni di alta qualità e rara bellezza.

Campionario decori e semi-rosoni

Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples
Decoration and semi-rose window feature samples

Campionario pitture, sassi naturali e piastrelle

Scegli tra le tante finiture e versioni a disposizione.

Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens
Implementation masonry kitchens