
Nora       Lola

The model concept

Eva, the classic kitchen with solid wooden doors that breaks the mould in contemporary styling.
Create it just the way you want, in a thousand different colours, in a more refined style or in one with more essential, almost minimalist features.
Beautiful in the masonry version, it becomes even more eye-catching when composed using multiple colour variations and teamed with trendy elements and accessories.Eva, the classic kitchen with solid wooden doors that breaks the mould in contemporary styling.
Create it just the way you want, in a thousand different colours, in a more refined style or in one with more essential, almost minimalist features.
Beautiful in the masonry version, it becomes even more eye-catching when composed using multiple colour variations and teamed with trendy elements and accessories.

Associated Styles

Technical Features

L'anta in vetro con profilo incrociato

Raffinata ed elegante, ripercorre e rivisita le icone tradizionali creando un piacevole stile classico -chic.

Le pareti attrezzate

Perfettamente abbinate alla cucina, danno continuità e armonia all'arredo.

La cappa dal gusto retrò

Con trave in legno massiccio, è l'emblema della cucina italiana realizzata con passione ed abilità artigianale.

La colonna con cesti estraibili

La cucina classica si veste di elementi ed accessori ultra moderni, pur mantenendo le decise estetiche della tradizione.



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